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Saturday, April 7, 2012


HOLY MOLY! This was hard! Here is the link to ZWOW #4. You guys have GOT to try this one! Zuzana was right. I wished for death a couple of times. LOL. I did not time this one properly because I had to use my Interval timer for the 2 minutes of jump rope (which was KILLER) so I checked the time of when I started and when I ended and it was about 33 minutes. I took Thursday as a night off as you can see in my last blog and then skipped my workout last night because we wanted to make it to the Good Friday services at church. By the time I got home I had a huge headache and wanted nothing more to do than to just zonk out. So I did. 

Today's workout was well needed and was well worth it. I need a hard one to make up for the two days off. Here are some pics my daughter took of me doing today's workout:


 Kettle ball swings (and off comes the shirt! haha):
 Push ups with a leg twist:

 Broomstick squats:
 Jump rope (blurry from my jumping movement...or maybe my fat jiggling. hehe)
So there it is! I dare you to try this one!! :) Good luck!


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