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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ZGym Butt Lift Series #4

Well, hey there.

I am finally on schedule with Zuzka's weekly plan on her ZGym. Well, kind of. Tomorrow I will be. :) I'm doing #5 tonight because I took yesterday off instead of today. I needed to because I may have pulled a muscle in my butt with this last one (#4). LOL! 

One thing I did not realize is on the weekly schedule, she has you do other workouts besides the butt ones! Which is great, because I was starting to feel like I wasn't doing enough exercises to target other body parts. I'm still getting used to the ZGym but I think I finally get it now! 

So this last workout consisted of:
20 Kettleball Swings
12 1-Leg Elevated Lunges
20 Kettleball Swings
10 Curtsy Lunges w/ Side Step Ups (each leg)
20 Kettleball Swings
15 Squat/Deadlift Combos

2 Rounds for time.
I used 15 lbs for my weight.

Well, I forgot to time it. oops... But I did get pictures!
I have to apologize for the crappy quality though. I'm still trying to figure out the lighting in this room. Hopefully, when I get my new camera I'll get some better pics for you! Here they are anyway!

Kettleball Swings:

Leg Elevated Lunge:

Curtsy Lunge W/ Side Step Up (pretty sure this is where I pulled a muscle.): 

Dead Lift:


I was feeling really good at the end of this workout, so I added 100 crunches, 10 Push Ups and 10 Side Bends on each side w/ 20 lbs.

I also want to add that I always have my ipod on shuffle while I work out and during this workout, this song came on.

Best workout song ever! Hands Down! haha! Love it!

Good luck!


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