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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Detox Update and ZGym!

So, I survived the detox! It went well, although, I felt the urge to eat a lot more than I did the last time. Probably because last time I had Jim doing it with me. This time I was on my own. Making dinner for my kids and watching Jim eat pizza was VERY tempting. But I made it and I feel amazing! I also lost 6 lbs. to boot!

I'm back to eating meals again but I have stuck to clean eating so far. No meat. No dairy. No caffeine. Only whole grains, fruits and veggies, and fish. I love to snack though so I also buy the organic tortilla chips made with hemp seeds. They are so good! Dip them in some pine nut hummus and I am in heaven. My one set back? I ate sushi with white rice instead of brown. :) Oh well. If that's the worst I've done. :) 

On Tuesday I had a contour wrap and a GX-99 at the spa. The wrap is to help stimulate your lymphatic system as well as get your blood circulating to help eliminate toxins from your body. Its an amazing service to pair with a detox. The GX is a vibratory treatment for cellulite and it also helps to stir up those toxins and draw them out of the body. I have to admit, I felt wonderful afterwards. My skin felt tight and my cellulite had visibly diminished. 

So, yesterday I decided to start back up on ZWow's. After looking on to see what was new I got really excited to see that she is featuring the butt in her next 4 weeks of workouts on ZGym. I am not a member of ZGym because I've always been satisfied with the free workouts...BUT (pun intended) I couldn't resist. I like seeing new Zuzana rather than the same workouts over and over and since my butt and thighs are my problem areas, I decided to join. $55 later I was signed up for a 6 month membership to ZGym. I'm actually really excited and knew it was only a matter of time (and $ available) before I bit the bullet and spent the cash. I have to say, I think it will be money well spent! 

Yesterday I did the first workout in the Butt Lift series! It consisted of:

5 Goblet Squats (5 backward forward jumps) X4 sets
20 Kettleball Swings
10 1-Leg Dead Lifts on each side
20 Kettleball Swings
20 Pass Under Curtsy Lunges
20 Kettleball Swings

2 Rounds for time.

I used 15 lbs. and I managed to do 2 rounds in 19 minutes and 22 seconds. I do not have any pictures of yesterday's workout but I plan on posting pictures of future workouts like I used to!

I also took my before pictures. I will not post them until I have some after ones to compare to though. :) That will be in about 2 weeks. :) 

Let me know if anyone else has joined the ZGym. I'd love to hear from you! 
Thanks for visiting everyone! Good luck in your journeys!


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