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Friday, August 3, 2012

ZWOW #25

This workout was titled "Butt Push". Sounds like exactly what I need! :) In this workout, Zuzana decided to try something new. We had to "buy" our way into this one. Not with money. That would be so easy. We had to buy in by doing 30 Burpees. Awesome. Did you sense the sarcasm there? 

No problem! I did it! I finished the whole workout in 16 minutes and 3 Seconds. I'm pretty happy with that considering I've been slacking. I will say, I was absolutely dripping with sweat by the end and I had to sit down in my shower because I felt a little whoosy and sick. Haha! I may have overdone it a bit. :)

Here is the link to the workout I did!

This workout consisted of:
30 Competition Burpees
20 Plyofly
15 Squat Overhead Press
10 Lateral Jump Touch
5 Ab Splitters
3 Rounds (excluding the burpees) for time!

Here are some bad quality pics for you. Sorry it was getting dark so they turned out blurry. :)

Competition Burpees:


 Squat Overhead Presses:
 Lateral Jump Touches:
 Ab Splitters:

Stay tuned for the next couple of  food journals!

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. Good job! You are keeping up in your workouts. The abs splitter were the hardest for me!
